Tātai Whetū: Seven Māori Women Poets in Translation
Also by Anahera Gildea
Poroporoaki to the Lord My God: Weaving the Via Dolorosa: Ekphrasis in Response to Walk (Series C) by Colin McCahon, by Anahera Gildea
Poroporoaki is, as the subtitle suggests, a response to Colin McCahon’s paintings that are, in turn a response to the death of poet James K. Baxter. In this rich poem up-and-coming writer Anahera Gildea takes these threads and weaves them into a vivid Māori cultural context. The result is powerful, emotional and beautiful. More... |
Also by Vana Manasiadis
Ithaca Island Bay Leaves: A Mythistorima, by Vana Manasiadis
Part family exploration, part personal narrative, this haunting and delicate debut collection weaves the mythic into the everyday. More... Shipwrecks/Shelters: Six Contemporary Greek Poets, edited and translated by Vana Manasiadis
Greece is in crisis, but its poetry is in good heart. Greek/Kiwi poet Vana Manasiadis gathers and translates six poems by six of Greece's most exciting contemporary poets: Lena Kallergi, Theodore Chiotis, Phoebe Giannisi, Patricia Kolaiti, Vassilis Amanatidis, Katerina Iliopoulou. More... |